Tuesday, April 29, 2008

New Pants!

...and finals. Boo.

I got done with my American Government final from hell and went over to the student store to spend some of my book money. I got a pair of those giant sweatpants. I've been coveting other peoples giant pants forever, and Dustin gets to go to Disney world, so I got myself some damn pants. Woot.

Just one more final, and that's it for this semester. Hope I passed all my classes!

Friday, April 25, 2008

To hell in a hand basket...

Ahhh! The news is eating me alive.

I'm not the most informed person, so I may be easily influence by any bit of new that I do come across, but today, I just feel especially affected by it.

First of all, apparently war with Iran is more likely than I had ever thought possible, which scares the hell out of me. Americans have long forgotten what war on our own soil is like. Yeah, we had 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, but people in the Middle East face bombings on a pretty regular basis. We have no idea what it's like to face our mortality on a daily basis.

I don't even understand war. I personally blame it on too much fucking male aggression that gets completely out of hand. I just can't understand the whole war mentality. Everyone needs to just CHILL THE FUCK OUT!

So, after I finished reading about our impending doom, I read about the mothers of the polygamist ranch, which I think is tragic on so many levels.

This is what I can gather from the mass pandemonium that is CNN and Nancy Grace. The government of Texas gets a prank call from a known fraud, and uses this a premise to storm the ranch and steal these women's children, traumatizing the children FOREVER!

Ok, I'm not a polygamist, or a Mormon, and I certainly don't agree with underage marriage, but I just don't think that the vast majority of the mothers involved are guilty of what they are being charged with. Yes, they are totally weird, and they dress weird and talk weird, but the last I heard being weird was not a valid for removing a child from their home, and placing him/her in a home full of strangers. And as far as polygamy goes, they weren't legally married anyways. Again, last I heard, living with other women and calling another man your husband wasn't illegal. And why the hell is polygamy illegal anyways. I mean, it's not anymore weird than being gay or lesbian. Are three ways and orgies illegal, no. So why the hell is consensual polygamy between consenting adults illegal. People should have the right to do whatever the hell they want. It's called freedom of religion. Or is it just freedom of religion, as long as it's not a fucking weird religion.

Anyways, thats my soapbox for today.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I Love the Whole World!!!

Best commercial EVER!

PS: Kudos to discover for getting Stephen Hawking to do a commercial!

On a sadder note, a guy I graduated high school with died from an overdose this last weekend. I wasn't good friends with him, but it's still pretty tragic. I went to his myspace, and he had logged in the day he died and wrote in the quotation "I give up." It was pretty chilling.

On a less sad note, summer in Stillwater is well on it's way, which can mean only one thing: Snow cone season. So, I had to go run an errand, and much to my dismay, there were no snow cone stands to be found. Bummer. They're practically on every damn corner in OKC. Oh well, I'll have to go hunting another day.

Time to make din din. We're havin' tofu curry!! Yum!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Hope for the Flowers

For a long time I had this picture of a yellow book about butterflies from my childhood burned in my mind. Besides the way it smelled old, and how it had a dry, cardstock cover, the thing I remembered the most about it was how I couldn't really understand it, even though it looked like a child's book. Even though I didn't really understand it at the time, I remember feeling like this book was very special somehow. I told my mom about this mystery book from when I was little while we were at Barnes and Nobles yesterday, and she hunted down the children's book guy and found it!

When I read it again I understood why I couldn't understand it fully when I was little. It is written like a children's book, but it is really for adults. And it is exactly what I needed right now in my life. It is about life and death and how “Life is changed, not taken away” and deciding to become a butterfly instead of trying to step on others to get ahead. It's about a lot of things, and I just love this book.

I also love the music of Kimya Dawson. I can't seem to get enough of it. She sings things that make you think "Oh thank God I'm not the only one who feels that way."

I love it! Woo hoo!
